This blog aims to track my progress and showcase my posts concerning the RPerform project for the Google Summer of Code 2022 program. The RPerform project is an open-source project under the R project for statistical computing organization.
Project Proposal
Project Overview
Project description
Testing performance is important for many R packages. Rperform is an R package which makes it easy to run performance tests on R packages which use testthat and git. The main goal of this project is to get Rperform working and easy to use with GitHub actions. Then fix all the issues and bugs to finally publish a stable version of RPerform on CRAN.
Project Repositories
The main repository of this project is at analyticalmonk/Rperform
My forked repository is at EngineerDanny/Rperform
Project Mentors
- Toby Hocking
- Akash Tandon
- Randy Lai
Setting Up Github CI With Rperform
Implementing Custom Github Action Prototype in Rperform
R CMD Check on Rperform
Updating the dependencies in Rperform.
Fixes to some of the compilation errors of Rperform
Testing Touchstone with a simple For Loop
Reviewing The Touchstone R Package
Sample RPerform package usage