Apk Framework Detector

A sophisticated tool designed to demystify the construction of Android applications.

Apk Framework Detector 🚀🔍

The Apk Framework Detector is a sophisticated tool designed to demystify the construction of Android applications. It’s like a forensic expert for your APK files, delving into the binary depths to reveal the secrets of its creation.

What Does It Do? 🤔

Imagine having X-ray vision that lets you peer into the very soul of an Android app. That’s what the Apk Framework Detector offers. It meticulously scans the APK file, looking for digital fingerprints left by the framework used during the app’s development.

The Process 🔄

  • Extraction: Like a skilled archaeologist, it carefully extracts the APK, ensuring every bit is preserved for analysis.
  • File Inspection: It then sifts through the files, seeking out those unique markers that can tell us if the app speaks the language of Java, Kotlin, or something more exotic.
  • Structure Analysis: By examining the app’s structure, it can deduce whether the app was crafted with native care or with the hybrid vigor of cross-platform technologies.
  • Framework Identification: Finally, it applies a series of tests, much like a detective looking for clues, to pinpoint the exact framework used in the app’s creation.

Why Is This Useful? 🛠️

For developers, it’s a window into the competition’s soul, understanding what technologies they’re using. For security experts, it’s a way to check for potential vulnerabilities associated with certain frameworks. And for the curious, it’s just plain cool to see the inner workings of your favorite apps.

:rainbow: Frameworks/Technologies

  1. Native
    • Java
    • Kotlin
  2. Hybrid (Cross-Platform)
    • Flutter
    • React Native
    • Xamarin
    • Ionic
    • NativeScript
    • Cordova

:white_check_mark: Requirements

Before starting :checkered_flag:, you need to have Git and Python🐍 installed.

How to Use It 📖

# Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/EngineerDanny/apk-framework-detector

# Navigate to the project directory
$ cd apk-framework-detector

# Install the necessary dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

:rocket: Running

NOTE: Place your apks in the input folder directory

# Command
 $`python main.py {app_name.apk}` or `python3 main.py {app_name.apk}`

# Example
 $`python main.py fb.apk` or `python3 main.py fb.apk`

View the results

After running the command, the detector will provide you with a detailed report on the framework used in the APK file.