

Name Daniel Agyapong
Label Machine Learning Engineer
Phone (520) 491-0072
Summary A highly motivated and enthusiastic Machine Learning Engineer with a passion for developing innovative machine learning algorithms and applications. I have a strong background in machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision. I am a team player with excellent communication skills.


  • 2022.08 - 2026.05

    Flagstaff, Arizona

    Northern Arizona University
    Computer Science
    • Deep Learning
    • Data Mining and Machine Learning
    • Modern Regression
  • 2017.08 - 2021.05

    Kumasi, Ghana

    Bachelor's Degree
    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
    Electrical/Electronics Engineering
    • Differential Equations
    • Digital Systems
    • Control Systems
    • Power Systems


  • 2022.08 - current
    Graduate Research Assistant
    Northern Arizona University
    Training and testing new machine learning algorithms and developing optimisation algorithms for microbiome sparse data sets.
  • 2022.05 - 2022.09
    Software Engineer Intern
    Google Summer of Code
    Modified the tool, Rperform, to track quantitative performance metrics of R packages. Developed a custom GitHub Action to make it easier for package developers to use Rperform to test their code.
  • 2021.08 - 2021.05
    Research and Teaching Assistant
    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
    Assisted lecturers in teaching undergraduate courses in electrical/electronics engineering.
  • 2021.03 - 2022.05
    Full Stack Engineer
    Chosen IT Business Solutions, LLC
    Developed and maintained cross-platform applications using Flutter and PhP Laravel. Worked closely with clients to understand their requirements and deliver high-quality software solutions.
  • 2020.04 - 2021.03
    Full Stack Engineer (Remote)
    Godlives Delivery (Sweden)
    Built and maintained cross-platform mobile app with Flutter and backend with Node.js utilizing technologies like MongoDB for the database management, OneSignal for notifications and MailGun for email API service.


  • 2023.06 - 2023.08

    Flagstaff, Arizona

    NAU Upbound
    Supervised and organized educational programs for high school students.
